Monday, June 19, 2023

Leishmaniasis and Impavido the drug that cures CL

Leishmaniasis and Impavido the drug that cures CL has a new website. It is most informative web site or any information I have ever found in one place this is the video from a Doc talking about Leishmaniasis.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Leishmaniasis topical cream specialty pharmacy PAR0MOMYCIN

Get this topical

Leishmaniasis (text 4)

 Drink tons of water, best if you are hospitalized, with fluids make sure they check your kidney numbers . They were talking about a topical AB but more experimental. Get the topical im talking about paromomycin, doc will not know about it. Im doing good finnaly will need plastic surgery to fix lower eye lid

Leishmaniasis (text 3) A picture I sent at close to the very worst


Leishmaniasis (text 2)


At my worst 3 months ago

Wow, yesterday I had a transfusion of Amphotericin B. Supposed to be getting five more but five days in a row then wait 4 days then the final dose. Is Ambisome a topical cream? How are you doing now? I was in Africa last November and then Mexico last February. I suspect Mexico more than Africa. Mine started showing up in June as a small whitehead. Not a good feeling is it? Marc

Drink tons of water, best if you are hospitalized, with fluids make sure they check your kidney numbers . They were talking about a topical AB but more experimental. Get the car topical im talking about paromomycin, doc will not know about it. I'm doing good finally will need plastic surgery to fix lower eyelid


    I am going to post corespondance and pictures with a new friend from Canada Marc. He may have been bit by the same sand fly , in about the same place. On my left part of my face just under my eye. He started dealing with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis about 10 months after I started dealing with my C.L..
   I felt It was important to inform Marc what I learned, Here is my first text Middle of October 2022.

I met your friends at Ginny Springs today. I am just recovering from Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Mexicana type sandfly on a bite that was close to my left eye . I have been to experts such as Mayo Clinic, etcetera,  I will call you tomorrow. I have seen a picture of you and it is similar to what I have.  You are going to get a topical if I have to send you mine. Paromomycin 15% ointment. Be careful with ambisome , I also had 2 rounds of Miltefosine. Look up Dr Harry Goldin in Skokie , IL.  I am driving to Chicago tomorrow so I will call you then

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Leishmaniasis sandfly bite Cutaneous Leishmaniasis C.L. New World Mexicana

   I was cave diving in Tulumn area in Mexico during Thanksgiving week. Some time while in Mexico I was bitten by a female sand fly on my cheek under my left eye. It left a one cell protozoa (parasite) under my skin.

    I noticed a lump or lesion starting to form on early February, about 45 days after being in Mexico. I went to my eye doctor because it was close to my eye at first looking like I had a black eye. My optometrist thought it was a tear duct infection. He showed me pictures of people with tear duct infections, and the lesion looked very similar.

   he optometrist gave me a 7 day round of anti-biotics. But it just got worse. Two weeks from seeing the optometrist, he sent me to an eye lid specialist/ plastic surgeon. Dr Kathy Winkler.

     Dr Winkler checked my tear duct and it was clear. She then performed a biopsy, taking a sample from the lesion. About four days latter she called with the diagnosis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis.

CL is how I will refer to Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is rare in USA about 500 people a year get treated with Leishmaniasis, and all have traveled to other parts of the world. Notice I did not say CL, because there are three basic different types of Leishmaniasis.

   I will write and add picture's about my journey to get treatment. I have been to three different hospitals. Edwards Hospital in Naperville , IL a prestigious suburb in USA.  Rush Hospital in Chicago, rated #10 in USA and Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, #1 in USA and #1 in WORLD. I also was in touch with a Dermatologist in Mexico who has experience and was currently treating people with CL.

   Protocol is for the physician is to contact the CDC for determination of sand fly type. CDC also has references of treatment and doctors who have experience with CL.

    I found a Doctor in Skokie , IL with experience in healing CL with phototherapy Dr Goldin a dermatologist who case is published in medical journals. 

I will try and explain the treatment , the urgency, and my experience. After diagnosis, it took me weeks to get to see someone to start treatment. The longer the wait the more the disfigurement.

  After four different systemic treatments, and one topical my lesion/ ulcer is finally closed. Dr Goldin has not even seen the results of a topical anti parasite cream prescribed. The topical had to be produced by a specialty pharmacy. I see Dr Goldin in two days. 

First image I have February 14th 2021